What Are The Best TV Shows of All Time?

I want to make a disclaimer that this list is based on my opinions with a dash of the opinion of the streets. That being said, let me introduce you to the Best TV Shows of all time (in no particular order).

The Wire

The Wire is arguably one of the greatest shows of all time! I know that sounds like I’m exaggerating or being dramatic but I actually promise you I’m not. Before I watched it I used to think ‘I bet the show isn’t even that good’ and ‘How can a show that’s about selling drugs in Baltimore be the greatest TV show of all time’. But boy was I wrong LOOOL. I am now a ride or die for this show I swear downnnnnn. I’ll fight to the end.

Each season focuses on a different point of view and the way these different perspectives overlap/connect is soooo amazing. The writing is really good and very seamless. The portrayal of the population of Baltimore was so interesting, because you see life through the lens of different people in society, and I proper enjoyed how closely it was based on everyday life. It wasn’t an overdramatization of crime, because if you look up what Baltimore used to be like, you’d see The Wire was almost a real-life documentary.

The Wire displays the dysfunction of the Police as an institution and illustrates the lifespan of the average drug dealer extremely well. You see how as they grow up they start to get forgotten about as the new set of kids come through. But let me not spoil anything for you.

However, I know the way I’ve described it makes it sound like a Malcolm X/Martin Luther King/Let My People Go type show - it actually is really funny, cruddy, sad, thought-provoking and absolutely hilarious. You will constantly watch the next episode to see what happens next and see your favourite characters develop further. Although the show ran from 2002-2008, it stands the test of time because the writing is amazing and the themes are still relevant. The show has aged really well and I’m due for a rewatch soon.

ALSO, the casting director deserves the world and more for realllllll. I believed every single character’s performance. For me (as a TV fanatic and drama and theatre student up until A-levels ended x) I need to believe an actor's performance for me to say a show is good. If I just don’t believe you then you clearly aren’t doing a good job. But with The Wire, there’s no questioning it. Like who is Idris Elba? That man’s name is Stringer Bell. Wood Harris who? His name is Avon Barksdale. Like do you get it? Excellent acting performances from the entire cast.
If you like good things you will go and watch! You can thank me later xx

Grey’s Anatomy

Any list you ever read that claims to hold the top TV shows of all time and fails to recognise the greatness of Grey’s Anatomy is not a trusted source. Like at all. Whether you are interested in medical dramas or not - you can’t say it’s not one of the greatest shows ever. Anyone with an ounce of TV show knowledge knows this! It would lowkey be blasphemous not to mention at least one show from the incredible Shonda Rhimes?

Grey’s Anatomy is a medical drama following the experiences of healthcare professionals at a hospital in Seattle. The show started in 2005 and is still running to this DAY! It was created by the incredible Shonda Rhimes and is ABC’s longest-running scripted primetime series.

The Grey’s fanbase is vast and deep due to the characters and storytelling in the show. You grow such an attachment to the people and their stories and experiences. The character development is second to none and I think it’s because the writers are really good at keeping up with the times. As times change and we all grow older, so do the characters.

We see their perspectives and their view of the world. The relationships evolve and develop and I appreciate the realism. Like the show started in 2005 and is still running now - that's 19 years of storytelling! Yet nothing feels out of place or out of date. It’s very reflective of real life, which is why it’s easy to fall in love with the characters because you start to see them as real people. You become invested in Grey's Anatomy, as it's a show that everyone can relate to with a focus on topics like family, love, friendship, pregnancy, racism, homophobia, and political issues. It’s hilarious, heartwrenching at times, educational (sorry but I can definitely do an appendectomy now), interesting, easy to watch, and incredibly relatable. I stannnnnn.


Breaking Bad

Some argue that this is simply the greatest television show to ever grace the screen. I’m not one of those people. BUT the show is cold.

I know this seems a bit counterproductive - me talking about how I don't think it’s one of the best TV shows of all time…like Anu wyd babe? Have you read the title of the post you’re writing? But I’ve got to be honest, I don't LOVE the show but I can still recognise it’s greatness.

Set around 2008, the story follows a chemistry teacher who becomes a crystal meth drug lord. I know, mad innit. The reason this show is so critically acclaimed is because of the writers’ ability to create such meaningful, suspenseful, and outrageous scenes. When I say outrageous I’m not talking about it being far-fetched or unconvincing - I mean outrageous in a ‘what did I just watch’ sense. The writers push the boundaries of conventional storytelling by convincing you a regular person can go from ordinary life to being a DRUG lord.

 This type of writing inspired other shows such as ‘Ozark’ where ordinary people are thrust into a life of serious crime. It beautifully illustrates how desperate people can get and how a series of events can change your life completely. Like literally, a bunch of small decisions and BOW you are living two *very* different lives.

Aside from the writing, the acting is phenomenal. The main characters AND the side characters are very very good. Their pacing, emotional attachment and the complexity of their characters - you can tell the actors all understood the importance of understanding your characters and saw them as real personas to develop. The character development through each season is so amazing to watch as they capture the growth of a person through joyous moments as well as through traumatic moments. Like the things these characters go through are mad and seeing how they change as a result of it is really interesting. Each actor gave an outstanding performance and made the decline in the quality of TV shows all the more apparent. 

Game of Thrones

I know, I know, I know. What was that ending? But don’t let Season 8 make you forget the greatness we witnessed from Seasons 1-7. This truly is a bad-boy show. Where do I START? The acting, the writing, the cinematography? The storyline, the themes, the cult following? Nah guys where do I actually start? I could write a dissertation on GoT but I won’t because that’s not the title of this post lmaoooo.

It’s a fantasy type show (think Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit) which I know puts some people off but just stay with me. Game of Thrones is a gritty, complex show with loads of different storylines and character development like no other. It takes place in Westeros and follows the journeys of different noble families. Some of these families are fighting for the throne and others are fighting for their independence.

It has some of the best moments in TV show history like the ‘Red Wedding’ and ‘the Battle of the Bastards’. You will laugh, you will cry and you will be extremely shocked. I like shows that aren’t predictable and there’s no way you could predict the way the story ends. I’m pretty sure the actors themselves didn’t know how it would end until the last couple of table reads.

The battles in GoT are captured so well due to the incredible cinematography. You feel the anxiety and adrenaline from the characters which enables you to understand them a bit more. We watch the characters grow up and experience loss, heartache, and trauma - like it’s a show with dragons man, these lot go through a lot! But the writers still find time to insert moments of humour with characters like Tyrion Lannister and Samwell Tarly. Just know that this is a show you should and MUST watch.


The Walking Dead

The Walking Dead is the godfather of all zombie TV shows. Listen to me and listen well. This show is insanely cold. Like sorry, I know when people hear zombies and the undead they just assume it’s one of ‘them’ type shows. But nah. This TV Show is a serious addition to the list. It’s one of my all-time favourites and I WISH I could watch it again for the first time.

The Walking Dead has one of the best villains of all time but I can’t even talk too tough because this is a spoiler-free zone. If you’ve watched it then you know EXACTLY who I’m talking about. Legend.

This show is another show that has outstanding acting performances. The main characters are allll in their bag when it comes to acting. The complexity of their characters and the way they convey that on the screen is truly a talent. For me personally, I grow attachments to them the same way I do with Grey’s Anatomy characters, and one thing that I love and hate is that the writers will literally kill anyone off. The writers don't give a damn if the person is a main character or fan favourite - if it’s part of the storyline they are killlingggggg people off. The gasps I've gasped, the tears I’ve teared. The show is so deep.

I also think it’s quite realistic - I know…but stay with me. If the world was actually going to get overrun with Zombies, the way these guys interact with each other seems like a realistic way people would react. Your best friend died and you’re left with his wife and kid? You are probablyyyy gonna end up falling in love with her if everyone else you both know has turned into a zOMBIE. I mean I 100% know some man that would do that!

The scenes and storytelling are so engaging and they keep you on the edge of your seat. Because throughout the whole show, you’re wondering are these lot actually going to make it? The choices the characters have to make in the name of survival, the sheer strength to continue life through ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE. It’s not a happy show, but it’s not completely depressing. It's humorous and incredibly gritty. I think there’s a great balance and I’d highly recommend it to everyone.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Have a great day x


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